: dar y tomar :
the Spanish words for give and take | dar y tomar. these items are currently for sale but if you see something you like elsewhere on amOceramic.com, please talk to me about it!
for payment, i currently take only venmo and zelle (contact me for deets). Sorry, no shipping — pick up only (contact me for deets).
Unas palabras personales sobre el idioma español: soy norteamericana de primera generación (de España) pero no crecí hablando español. He estado trabajando para aprender español casi toda mi vida y nunca dejaré de intentarlo. seguiré practicando. He progresado mucho últimamente. por favor hablame en español, si puedes.
a personal word about the Spanish Language : i am first generation north american (from Spain) but I did not grow up speaking Spanish. I have been working on learning Spanish nearly my whole life though, and I will never stop trying. i will keep practicing. i have made good progress lately. please speak to me in Spanish, if you can.