adele medina O’dowd
artist statement :
My ceramics reflect a personal exploration of particles, molecules, organisms, and natural forces, how they interact and emerge in liminal space, and what physics, chemistry, ecology and biology reveals to us about the universe. I am astonished by the idea that even while we are immersed within it, the way the universe functions is nearly invisible to our senses and perception. Even so, we can grasp it better by observing and contemplating carefully. I spend a lot of time – maybe too much – doing just that.
Making vessels, plates, bowls, cups and jars that are chemically and structurally transformed in an atmospheric wood fired kiln is the perfect medium for me to grapple with the scientific concepts I want to comprehend and with which to express my wonder. I hope that others will use these objects in their lives with family and friends, holding them in their hands, and be prompted to consider all kinds of metamorphoses, systems and relationships, even if only fleetingly.
ad astra per aspera : to the stars through struggle!
amO’ : adele medina O’Dowd
bio : adele medina O'dowd is an artist, arborist, ecologist and landscape designer living and working in Chevy Chase, MD. She creates ceramics in a basement studio @adelemedinaodowd typically firing in a wood fueled kiln with a community of other artists who come together a few times a year to load and fire over a couple of weekends. The actual firing of the kiln takes 18 - 36 continuous hours of stoking the fire to raise the internal temperature, slowly, to “cone 10” = 1,305°C = 2,381°F (or so) building an internal Reduction atmosphere. adele is a Night Gardener with moths, mushrooms, bats and stars.